L 75 – 480 cfm @ 7.5 Bar Fixed Speed
Regulated Speed Rotary Screw Compressors
From 55 to 80 kW, the CompAir regulated speed rotary screw compressors allow you to reduce the cost of ownership and minimize your energy consumption!
The L-RS regulated speed rotary screw compressors can efficiently and reliably handle the varying air demand found in most plant air systems.
These compressors speed up and slow down to match air supply to air demand as it fluctuates. The right variable speed compressor in the right application delivers significant energy savings and a stable air supply at constant pressure.

Premium efficiency airend
The high output compression element with slow rotational speed reduces energy costs. In addition, the innovative design of the fail safe shaft seal, integrated oil filter and oil regulation valve, ensures external hoses are reduced to a minimum to guarantee the highest levels of quality and reliability are achieved.
Remarkable energy savings
The L55RS to L80RS series of regulated speed rotary screw compressors are able to precisely match power consumption with the system air demand, offering outstanding efficiency and reliability. When compared with a typical oil lubricated rotary screw air compressor operating at 70% load, with the CompAir regulated speed L-RS series (also operating at 70% load), it is possible to reduce the associated energy cost by up to 25%.
Substantial energy savings
Precisely matching power consumption with the system air demand means no cycles. No cycles means substantial energy savings!
Free of charge AssureTM extended warranty
The CompAir AssureTM Warranty and Service programs will assure you up to 44,000 hours / 6 years (whichever is the soonest) peace of mind, and is one of the most generous warranties available in the industry. It is also totally free to the compressor owner (subject to Terms & Conditions).
Our Happy Customers Gave Us An Average Of 5/5 Stars
Your generosity is hugely appreciated and it’s people like you, doing little things like this that help keep our small schools afloat. So thank you so much for all of your help – I can’t wait to pop outside (once the sun gets through the fog) and blow up the tyres pf our sports gear trolley!!!
Thanks very much for coming in and getting that job sorted not only on a Saturday but with such short notice, the team really appreciated that.
Thanks for the compressor Darren.
We are blessed to have you just down the road!
I wanted to thank you for the detail you put on our invoices as it makes our job easier. Also the service received from our local branch is outstanding.
See our Air Compressors in action
How can we help
Call us on 0800 886 755 or if you’d like us to get in touch with you, please fill in this form and we’ll get back to you ASAP.