Ingersoll Rand Turbo (TA) series
Oil Free Variable Speed Centrifugal Compressors

ISO 8573-1 Certified Oil-Free Air
- Prevents oil contamination of your system
- Limits the potential for compressed air pipeline fires caused by oil carryover
- Eliminates costly waste disposal problems associated with oil-laden condensate
- Eliminates the expense and associated maintenance requirements of oil-removal filters, since no oil enters the compressed air stream in the compressor
Simple Installation
- True unloading capability helps to take advantage of opportunities for energy savings
- Increased uptime compared to alternative technologies translates into reduced operating life-cycle costs
- Reduced number of external connections
- Compact design reduces required floor space
- Meets OSHA’s sound level requirements without sound enclosure
Low-Cost Operation
- True unloading capability helps to take advantage of opportunities for energy savings
- Increased uptime compared to alternative technologies translates into reduced operating life-cycle costs
- Excellent part-load efficiencies for any operating load
- No sliding or rubbing parts in the compression process causing wear or efficiency loss
Easy Operation
- The MAESTRO™ Universal control panel provides a built-in web server, allowing compressor monitoring using your local intranet/span>
- Significant annual savings in operating cost by providing more precise control
- Easy-to-use, automatic operation
Easy Maintenance
- Compression elements do not wear or require periodic replacement
- No oil-removal filters to clean or replace
- Accessible, horizontally split gearbox for quick inspection
- Intercooler and aftercooler bundles are easy to remove for inspection and cleaning
- Water-in-tube design intercooler and aftercooler allow for simple mechanical cleaning
- Maintenance-free dry coupling
High Reliablity
- Thrust loads absorbed at low speed
- Non-contacting air and oil seals
- Stainless steel compression elements
- Conservative, high-quality gear design
- Extended life pinion bearing design
- Centrifugal compressors are proven to have a long mean time between failures (MTBF), and independent research has shown an industry-leading availability of 99.7%
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Your generosity is hugely appreciated and it’s people like you, doing little things like this that help keep our small schools afloat. So thank you so much for all of your help – I can’t wait to pop outside (once the sun gets through the fog) and blow up the tyres pf our sports gear trolley!!!
Thanks very much for coming in and getting that job sorted not only on a Saturday but with such short notice, the team really appreciated that.
Thanks for the compressor Darren.
We are blessed to have you just down the road!
I wanted to thank you for the detail you put on our invoices as it makes our job easier. Also the service received from our local branch is outstanding.
See our Air Compressors in action
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